Friday, August 27, 2010

bUsY, BuSy, buSy

the love of my life, doesn't that smile just melt your heart!

ready for the Giants first game!!!!
mmmm, some burpie and the toes!!

playing with daddy!!!!

always on the go, loves her swing.

We have been soo busy this last month, the time has just flown by, I would like to say that now that summer is coming to an end things will slow down but unfortunately that isn't the case. I have just accepted a new job offer at a preschool/daycare center. I will be working a 40+hr week and have given up all the vacations and snowdays that come with a regular teaching job, not by choice. The job opppurtunties for elementary teachers around here suck so I was forced to take whatever job I could find. Everyone says it will get easier to leave my baby and that it will be good for both of us but today leaving my friend Veronica's house after our visit and the realization hit me that in a 1 1/2 weeks I will be leaving my baby there 5 days a week for most of the day had me balling my eyes out all the way home. Maybe I'm just not met to work, maybe I'm supposed to stay home have babies, do the housework and fix the hubby dinner. We'll see how this goes, I'm already broken hearted just thinking about it. This past Wednesday my sweet little chunker munker turned 5 months old!!! She weighs 17lb 8oz and is 26 in. long!!!! She is growing like crazy. She has started eating baby food too, she has her cereal at night with some fruit and 1/2 jar of veggies at lunch and the rest at dinner. She would probably try to eat off our plates too is she could reach them. She has discovered her toes and they are her new favorite play thing!! Last Thursday Piper has her 1st accident and mommy had her 1st heart attack, in the mornings Piper always sleeps in her swing, while mommy was getting ready Piper decided she had enough of the swing and decided to get out, mommy found her crying on the floor under the swing!!!!! After the intitial shock and sudden urge to puke, I picked her up and she stopped crying and smiled at me! She's fine and is now locked down whenever she's in her swing!!! We are looking forward to making the most of the last week of our summer vacation!!!

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Kurt & Kristi

Kurt & Kristi
Krista & Dan's wedding

About Me

Kurt and I met a little over 4 years ago at a bar in Sherrill. I thought Kurt was soo cute. We started talking, he asked for my phone number, and we have been together ever since. Kurt and I were married on June 28, 2008. The wedding was beautiful despite the lose of power and the possibility of not having a reception. Luckily for us, everything went perfectly and we had the best day ever and all of our family and friends were there to share this special day with us.