Saturday, May 15, 2010

Date Night!!!!!

Tonight my hubby is taking me out on a date for my Mother's Day!!! We get to see a movie for the first time in I can't tell you when and after he's taking me out to dinner. My mom and dad offered to babysit for Piper while we go out. Piper and I spent the day today with my mom and my sis in law and my niece Rylee and mom just dropped me off at home and is driven off with my baby girl in the backseat, and I wanted to cry!!! I can't imagine if I'd had to go back to work this past Monday, as my 6 weeks of maternity leave are up, I would be a basket case. I couldn't ask for better babsitters than my family, except for Kurt's, but it still broke my heart to watch my baby girl drive off without me!!! Maybe I can consider this preparation for college someday?? Now I have to try and enjoy myself for the next 6 hours without my baby, who would've thought that would be soo hard. It's funny at times when I'm home with her and she won't nap and I can't get anything done I wish for my mom to come over and take care for a bit so I can shower or clean or do whatever but right now I could do all that stuff because she's not here it just feels wrong. Maybe I'll have to do more hunting for a way to stay home with her so I won't have leave, although I'm sure as are little family starts to grow I'll be begging for days like today!!! Oh well, it's date night I better make the most of it, who knows when I'll get another!!!!

1 comment:

The Riggs said...

It always feels wrong when they are gone. It might be wrong, but it feels soooo good!

Kurt & Kristi

Kurt & Kristi
Krista & Dan's wedding

About Me

Kurt and I met a little over 4 years ago at a bar in Sherrill. I thought Kurt was soo cute. We started talking, he asked for my phone number, and we have been together ever since. Kurt and I were married on June 28, 2008. The wedding was beautiful despite the lose of power and the possibility of not having a reception. Luckily for us, everything went perfectly and we had the best day ever and all of our family and friends were there to share this special day with us.