Tuesday, November 25, 2008

"eVeR hAvE oNe oF tHoSe DaYs?"

Ok today was one of those days when we just should have stayed in bed. It started very early this morning when we awakened to the pitter patter of rain drops falling on our kitchen floor. Unfortunately our roof has a leak and when it rains our kitchen is a little on the flooded side. I would have included a picture of all the towels and buckets but I haven't had a chance to transfer the pictures yet. So as if being up almost an hour earlier than we needed to be wasn't bad enough. Things only got worse for Kurt later today. When Kurt got out of work today he discovered that someone had smashed the passenger side window of this truck and stole his radar dector, that is 8 years old, without the cord! We figure some jerk got the raw end of that deal and stole it thinking it was a GPS, lucky for us we know where we are going. Oh and all Kurt's tools, snowmobile jacket and other valuable odds and ends all escaped untouched. At the risk of sounding like a redneck Kurt figures he has to be black. Oh the joys of working in the high crime neighborhood of Syracuse. Now we just have to wait to hear from the insurance company!! Happy Holidays to us!!!

1 comment:

The Riggs said...

glad to hear Kurt didn't loose anything else!

Kurt & Kristi

Kurt & Kristi
Krista & Dan's wedding

About Me

Kurt and I met a little over 4 years ago at a bar in Sherrill. I thought Kurt was soo cute. We started talking, he asked for my phone number, and we have been together ever since. Kurt and I were married on June 28, 2008. The wedding was beautiful despite the lose of power and the possibility of not having a reception. Luckily for us, everything went perfectly and we had the best day ever and all of our family and friends were there to share this special day with us.