Monday, September 22, 2008

No news is both good and bad

Some sad news to report, On Saturday night August 23nd my parent's barn caught fire and burnt down. The fire marshall isn't sure what caused the fire and unfortunatly everything was destroyed. Luckily though no one was home and no one was hurt and the house is fine. The above picture is the back of the barn where are snowmobiles were. My dad's tractor and it was the biggest part of the barn.
This is the front part of the barn. On the step right there is Cindy's saddle that is now mostly crispy =(
The one bright spot was that Friday, August 22nd, I got a phone call from Rome Catholic School and was offered a job teaching kindergarten. On Monday, August 25th I was officially hired and the following week I signed my contract and school started. I had about a week and half to prepare for my first full-time teaching job. These are some pictures from my very own classroom!!!
Finally all my hard work had paid off and on Friday, September 19th, I received my first full time paycheck and let me tell you it was a beautiful thing!!! I guess it just goes to show that good things really do come to those who wait.

And one final note, Just a little update on my dad. As some of you may know my dad fell on Wednesday, September 10th and broke his hip. He has to use a walker to get around but he has an appointment tomorrow with the orthopedic surgeon to see how his hip is healing and we are hoping that things are healing as they should be. If for some reason they are not there is a possibility that he could have to have hip replacement surgery. I would have blessed you all with a picture of "speedy" but I fear for my life after he is fully recovered around Christmas. =) haha.


Luke and Teari said...

Your classroom is great!! I am so proud of you. I told you that you would accomplish bigger and better things. I just wish I were there with you !!! Miss you much...

The Riggs said...

oh my goodness your classroom looks so CUTE! It makes me want to be 5 again! Congrats on your job. I'm so happy for you! Good things DO come to those who wait!!

Kurt & Kristi

Kurt & Kristi
Krista & Dan's wedding

About Me

Kurt and I met a little over 4 years ago at a bar in Sherrill. I thought Kurt was soo cute. We started talking, he asked for my phone number, and we have been together ever since. Kurt and I were married on June 28, 2008. The wedding was beautiful despite the lose of power and the possibility of not having a reception. Luckily for us, everything went perfectly and we had the best day ever and all of our family and friends were there to share this special day with us.