Sunday, November 29, 2009

So Much to be Thankful for

Yesterday I came home from doing the baby registry and shopping with my mom in Syracuse to find a beautiful new area rug in our living room!! It's an early Christmas present from Kurt's mom, dad, brother and sisters!!!! You guys are the best!!!! My sis-in-law Katherine picked out the carpet for us and she did a wonderful job, it matches the living room so good!!!! I'm so happy I just love and what a difference it makes in the look of our living room!!!

Wednesday night we stopped over to see Kurt's mom for a minute and she had gotten out this ride on horse that used to be Kurt's when he was little. Mom was sooo generous to give it to Kurt and I for the baby to play with when he or she arrives. It was just soo touching and sweet, thanks mom!!!!
One of the things I am sooo thankful for is our beautiful new baby that will be arriving here before too long!!! Our little peanut is looking more like a baby now and less like fuzzy snowstorm!!!!

My 2nd family on Thanksgiving day!!!! I'm so blessed with amazing in-laws, a girl couln't ask for a nicer and more loving family. Next to my hubbt is his sister Jen, his brother Matt in the back, the triplets, Laura, Rachel and Rebecca and his sister Katherine in the back!!!! There are no pics of me and Kurt with my family because we had Thanksgiving with my family on Friday and almost all of us were in our comfy clothes!!!!

Kurt & Kristi

Kurt & Kristi
Krista & Dan's wedding

About Me

Kurt and I met a little over 4 years ago at a bar in Sherrill. I thought Kurt was soo cute. We started talking, he asked for my phone number, and we have been together ever since. Kurt and I were married on June 28, 2008. The wedding was beautiful despite the lose of power and the possibility of not having a reception. Luckily for us, everything went perfectly and we had the best day ever and all of our family and friends were there to share this special day with us.